Monday, June 16, 2008

My Favorite Bloggers

Isaac Newton said it best:
If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants.
So before getting into blogging proper I thought I should take a minute to lay down some love for the bloggers/authors/writers who've influenced me. In no particular order:

  • Jeff Atwood of Coding Horror. For his thoroughly relevant bite-sized lozenges of digestible content.
  • Shamus Young of Twenty Sided. For the D&D and game programming geekery.
  • James Devlin of Coding the Wheel. For all things of or pertaining to poker and programming/technology.
  • Robert Hodgins of Flight 404. For his brilliant visualizations and work with Processing.
  • Seth Godin of Seth Godin's Blog. For those clever, 20-second posts that make you go Hmm.
If you're reading this blog, then you should absolutely be reading all of the above! I'll update this list (and perhaps do a formal blogroll) as time allows.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Hello World

Hi there. My name is Dean Stuttgard and this is my first-ever blog post. I titled it "Hello World" because I am (among other things) a programmer, and as every programmer knows, a Hello World application is a simple demo intended to show you the bare minimum smallest possible program you can build using a particular language, toolset, or technology stack.

This then, is my Hello World blog post.

I plan to discuss a bunch of things on this blog including programming, music, gaming, poker, and general technology. I also plan to do a lot of ranting and raving and gibbering at the enraged leprechauns shimmying down my walls.

